Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit manuscripts in the Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute
Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit manuscripts in the Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute
- Jodhpur Rajasthan Oriental Research Institute 1963
- 2pt. 25cm
- Rajasthan puratana granthamala no.71, 81, 82 .
Includes index
Contents: pt.1. Jodhpur collection/edited by Jinavijaya (1963) (Rs.37.50) (xvi, 373p.+159p.) - pt.2. (B) Jodhpur collection/edited by Jinavijaya (1965) (Rs.36.50) (xiv, 349p.+202p.+6p.) - pt.2. (C) Jodhpur collection/edited by Jinavijaya (1966) (Rs.21) (v.p.)
Sanskrit manuscripts
Manuscripts, Sanskrit--Catalogs
Manuscripts, Prakrit--Catalogues
011.31 / CAT
Includes index
Contents: pt.1. Jodhpur collection/edited by Jinavijaya (1963) (Rs.37.50) (xvi, 373p.+159p.) - pt.2. (B) Jodhpur collection/edited by Jinavijaya (1965) (Rs.36.50) (xiv, 349p.+202p.+6p.) - pt.2. (C) Jodhpur collection/edited by Jinavijaya (1966) (Rs.21) (v.p.)
Sanskrit manuscripts
Manuscripts, Sanskrit--Catalogs
Manuscripts, Prakrit--Catalogues
011.31 / CAT