Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Oxford illustrated encyclopedia

Oxford illustrated encyclopedia - Oxford Oxford University Press 1985 - 4v. ill. 28cm maps

Encyclopedias and dictionaries

Contents: vol.1. The physical world/edited by Vivian Fuchs (0-19-869129-7) (1985) (374p.) - vol.2. The natural world/ edited by Malcolm Coe (0-19-869134-3) (1985) (375p.) - vol.3. World history: from earliest times to 1800/ edited by Harry Judge (0-19-869135-1) (1988) (391p.) - vol.4. World history: from 1800 to the present day/ edited by Robert Blake (0-19-869136-X) (1988) (391p.)

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