Everyday things in Homeric Greece
Quennell, Marjorie
Everyday things in Homeric Greece Marjorie Quennell and C.H.B. Quennell - London B.T. Batsford 1929 - viii, 140+30p. ill. 22cm
Contains themes of Iliad and Obyssey and the social, cultural and religious lives of ancient Greeks. Includes index
Greek literature
Social conditions--Greece
Greece--Social conditions
880 / QUE
Everyday things in Homeric Greece Marjorie Quennell and C.H.B. Quennell - London B.T. Batsford 1929 - viii, 140+30p. ill. 22cm
Contains themes of Iliad and Obyssey and the social, cultural and religious lives of ancient Greeks. Includes index
Greek literature
Social conditions--Greece
Greece--Social conditions
880 / QUE