Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Papers presented by the U.S.S.R. delegation

Papers presented by the U.S.S.R. delegation - Moscow Oriental Literature Publishing 1960 - 6v. 20cm

In various languages. vol.3. has 2 copies

signficance of the period 1870-1900 in the modern history of China G.V. Efimov (v.p.) - vol.6. Contents: vol.1. L'origine de l'ecriture en ancienne egypte V. Avdiev (v.p.) - vol.2. On the meaning of the term P.A. Gryaznevich (v.p.) - vol.3. Ethnogenetic ties of the kirghiz with the altai peoples A.M. Abramson (v.p.) - vol.4. Patriotic motifs in the Bengal poetry of the second half of the xix century V.A. Novikova (v.p.) - vol.5. The signifinace of the perio 1870-1900 in modern history of China (v.p.) - vol.6. International congress of Orientalists (v.p.)

Asia--Study and teaching

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