Latin synonyms, with their different significations
Dumesnil, Gardin J. B
Latin synonyms, with their different significations : and examples taken from the best Latin authors, J.B. Gardin Dumesnil; Trans, by J. M. Gossett - 2nd ed. - London G. and W.B. Whittaker 1819 - xl, 579p. 18cm.
Translated into English
Latin language--Synonyms and antonyms
Latin language
473 / DUM
Latin synonyms, with their different significations : and examples taken from the best Latin authors, J.B. Gardin Dumesnil; Trans, by J. M. Gossett - 2nd ed. - London G. and W.B. Whittaker 1819 - xl, 579p. 18cm.
Translated into English
Latin language--Synonyms and antonyms
Latin language
473 / DUM