Manusmrti with the 'Manubhasya' of Medhatihi
edited by Ganganath Jha
- 2nd ed.
- Delhi Motilal Banarsidass Publishers 1999
- 10v. 21cm
Contents: Vol.1. Sanskrit text; pt.1. Adhyayas1-6 (xii, 533p.) - vol.2. Sanskrit text; pt.2. Adhyayas 7-12 (595p.) - vol.3. English translation; pt.3. Discourses 1 and 2 (viii, 596p.) - vol.4 English translation; pt.2. Discourses 3 and 4 (vii,594p.) - vol.5. pt.3. Discourses 5, 6 and 7 (475p.) - vol.6. English translation; pt.4. (vi, 462p.) - vol.7. English translation; pt.5. Discourses 9, 10,11 and 12 (viii, 699p.) - vol.8. Notes pt.1. Textual (566p.) - vol.9. Notes; pt.2. Explanatory(868p.) - vol.10. Notes; pt.3. Comparative (xliv, 894p.)
Hinduism--Sacred books
Contents: Vol.1. Sanskrit text; pt.1. Adhyayas1-6 (xii, 533p.) - vol.2. Sanskrit text; pt.2. Adhyayas 7-12 (595p.) - vol.3. English translation; pt.3. Discourses 1 and 2 (viii, 596p.) - vol.4 English translation; pt.2. Discourses 3 and 4 (vii,594p.) - vol.5. pt.3. Discourses 5, 6 and 7 (475p.) - vol.6. English translation; pt.4. (vi, 462p.) - vol.7. English translation; pt.5. Discourses 9, 10,11 and 12 (viii, 699p.) - vol.8. Notes pt.1. Textual (566p.) - vol.9. Notes; pt.2. Explanatory(868p.) - vol.10. Notes; pt.3. Comparative (xliv, 894p.)
Hinduism--Sacred books