Makers of Indian colonial silver
Wilkinson, Wynyard R.T.
Makers of Indian colonial silver a register of European goldsmiths, silvermiths, jewellers, watchmakers and clockmakers in India and their marks 1760-1860 Wynyard R.T. Wilkinson - London WRT Wilkinson 1987 - xxii, 230p. ill. 30cm maps
Includes index
Bibliography: p.221
Goldwork- History- Europe; Goldwork- History- India
739.2094 / WIL
Makers of Indian colonial silver a register of European goldsmiths, silvermiths, jewellers, watchmakers and clockmakers in India and their marks 1760-1860 Wynyard R.T. Wilkinson - London WRT Wilkinson 1987 - xxii, 230p. ill. 30cm maps
Includes index
Bibliography: p.221
Goldwork- History- Europe; Goldwork- History- India
739.2094 / WIL