Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Comprehensive history of Assam

Comprehensive history of Assam edited by H.K. Barpujari - 3rd ed. - Guwahati Publication Board 2007 - 5v. ill. 22cm

Includes index

Bibliography: p.484-494, p.399-410, p.426-444, p.383-390, p.277-286

Contents: vol.1. Ancient period: from the pre-historic times to the twelfth century A.D. (Rs.320) (xxiv, 511p.+64) - vol.2. Medieval period: political: from 13th century A.D. to the treaty of Yandabo, 1826 (Rs.290) - vol.3. Medieval period: administrative, economic, social and cultural (Rs.300) (xxi, 488p.) - vol.4. Modern period: Yandabo to Diarchy 1826-1919-A.D. (Rs.220) (xxi, 410p.) - vol.5. Modern period: Yandabo to diarchy 1826-1919 A.D. (Rs.200) (xx, 311p.)

Assam (India)--History
Assam (India)--Politics and government

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