A concordance-dictionary to the yoga-sutra-s of Patanjali and the Bhashya of Vyasa
A concordance-dictionary to the yoga-sutra-s of Patanjali and the Bhashya of Vyasa Das,Bhagavan - Banaras Kashi Vidya Pitha 1938 - xx,253p. 24cm
Yoga-Dictionaries Philosophy,Hindu Patanjali Vyasa
181.45203 / DAS
A concordance-dictionary to the yoga-sutra-s of Patanjali and the Bhashya of Vyasa Das,Bhagavan - Banaras Kashi Vidya Pitha 1938 - xx,253p. 24cm
Yoga-Dictionaries Philosophy,Hindu Patanjali Vyasa
181.45203 / DAS