Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Calukya architecture

Foekema, Gerard

Calukya architecture medieval temples of Northern Karnataka built during the rule of the Calukya of Kalyana and thereafter, AD 1000-1300 Gerard Foekema - New Delhi Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers 2003 - 3v. ill. 28cm maps

Includes index

Bibliography: p.761-767

Contents: vol.1. Text, figures and maps (81-215-1071-6) (776p.) - vol.2. Plates (81-215-1072-4) (1-600p.) - vol.3. Plates (81-215-1073-2) (32+601-1184p.)

8121510708 (set)

Architecture--Karnataka (India)
Temples--Karnataka (India)
Temples, Hindu--Karnataka (India)
Temples, Jaina--Karnataka (India)
Temples--Karnataka (India)--Illustrations

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