Mediaeval history of Nepal
Petech, Luciano
Mediaeval history of Nepal c. 750-1482 Luciano Petech - 2nd rev. ed. - Rome Istituto Italiano Per Il Medio Ed Estremo Oriente 1984 - 254p. 25cm - Serie orientale Roma v.54 .
Includes index
Bibliography: p.233-239
Nepal--Licchavi dynasty, ca. 400-600
Nepal--Kings and rulers
954.96 / PET
Mediaeval history of Nepal c. 750-1482 Luciano Petech - 2nd rev. ed. - Rome Istituto Italiano Per Il Medio Ed Estremo Oriente 1984 - 254p. 25cm - Serie orientale Roma v.54 .
Includes index
Bibliography: p.233-239
Nepal--Licchavi dynasty, ca. 400-600
Nepal--Kings and rulers
954.96 / PET