Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Illustrated bartsch

Illustrated bartsch German book illustration before 1500 edited by Walter L. Strauss and Carol Schuler - New York Abaris Books 1981 - 85v., 6pt. ill. 31cm

Contents: vol.80., pt.1. Aonymous artists 1457-1475 (0-913870-50-1) (432p.) - vol.81., pt.2. Aonymous artists 1476-1477 (0-89835-052-2) (319p.) - vol.83., pt.4. Aonymous artists 1481-1482 (0-913870-83-8) (560p.) - vol.84., pt.5. Aonymous artists 1482-1483 (0-89835-183-9) (320p.) - vol.85., pt.6. Aonymous artists 1484-1486 (0-89835-184-7) (325p.)


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