Workshop on distance learning and new communication technology
Indira Gandhi National Open University and University Grants Commissin
Workshop on distance learning and new communication technology 25-26 Aug., 1992 - New Delhi The Authors 1992 - 18p. 30cm
Workshop held on 25-26 Aug. 1992 at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi
Higher education and state--India
Distance education--India
Telecommunication in education
378.03 / IND
Workshop on distance learning and new communication technology 25-26 Aug., 1992 - New Delhi The Authors 1992 - 18p. 30cm
Workshop held on 25-26 Aug. 1992 at Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi
Higher education and state--India
Distance education--India
Telecommunication in education
378.03 / IND