Enver Hoxha
Hoxha, Enver
Enver Hoxha on the further revolutionization of the party and the whole life of the country: speeches (1971-1973) Enver Hoxha - Tirana Nentori Publishing 1974 - x, 406p. 17cm
Hoxha, Enver, 1908-1985
Albania--1940-1990--Politics and government
320.94965 / HOX
Enver Hoxha on the further revolutionization of the party and the whole life of the country: speeches (1971-1973) Enver Hoxha - Tirana Nentori Publishing 1974 - x, 406p. 17cm
Hoxha, Enver, 1908-1985
Albania--1940-1990--Politics and government
320.94965 / HOX