Kitab fi Marifat al-hiyal al bandasiya (A book of knowledge about Mechanical Devices)
Kitab fi Marifat al-hiyal al bandasiya (A book of knowledge about Mechanical Devices) Arches and columns with their embellishments, for the place water clock [slides] Raza Library
- Rampur Raza Library 1995
- 1 Slide, Col. ill 35mm.
- Raza Library Collection from Rampur .
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference Mughal and Persian Paintings and Illustrated Manuscripts in the Raza Library, Rampur by Barbara Schmitz and Ziyaud-Din A. Desai, p. 134
Clocks in art
Raza Library Collection
18th century A.D.
RL-768 / III 34 A. 3690 (M.3818) p 8
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference Mughal and Persian Paintings and Illustrated Manuscripts in the Raza Library, Rampur by Barbara Schmitz and Ziyaud-Din A. Desai, p. 134
Clocks in art
Raza Library Collection
18th century A.D.
RL-768 / III 34 A. 3690 (M.3818) p 8