Iyar - I - Danish - A traveller who has rescued a snake from a pit into which it had fallen is later condemned to death on a false charge by king of Aleppo (Slides]
Iyar - I - Danish - A traveller who has rescued a snake from a pit into which it had fallen is later condemned to death on a false charge by king of Aleppo (Slides]
- Dublin Chester Beatty Library
- 1 Slide Col.,ill 35mm.
- Chester Beatty collection .
IGNCA slide collection, cross reference Chester Beatty Library - A catalogue of the manuscripts and miniatures vol. - 1 ,p.16-25
Iyar - I - Danish
Kings and rulers M CB C-CB
MS.4 (95)
IGNCA slide collection, cross reference Chester Beatty Library - A catalogue of the manuscripts and miniatures vol. - 1 ,p.16-25
Iyar - I - Danish
Kings and rulers M CB C-CB
MS.4 (95)