Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Iyar - I - Danish - King of the elephants is alarmed and kneels down before the image of the moon reflected in the water and promises to take this followers away and not bring them to that spot again [slides]

Iyar - I - Danish - King of the elephants is alarmed and kneels down before the image of the moon reflected in the water and promises to take this followers away and not bring them to that spot again [slides] Chester Beatty Library - Dublin Chester Beatty Library - 1 Slide Col.,ill 35mm. - Chester Beatty collection .

IGNCA slide collection, cross reference Chester Beatty Library - A catalogue of the manuscripts and miniatures vol. - 1 ,p.4-16

Animals in art
Iyar - I - Danish

MS.4 (34)
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