Iyar - I - Danish - A camel driver comes across a fire that has been lighted by a caravan part, and finds a snake caught in the midst of the flames [slides]
Iyar - I - Danish - A camel driver comes across a fire that has been lighted by a caravan part, and finds a snake caught in the midst of the flames [slides] Chester Beatty Library
- Dublin Chester Beatty Library
- 1 Slide Col.,ill 35mm.
- Chester Beatty collection .
IGNCA slide collection, cross reference Chester Beatty Library - A catalogue of the manuscripts and miniatures vol. - 1 ,p.4-16
Animals in art
Iyar - I - Danish
MS.4 (19) Plate 50 (a)
IGNCA slide collection, cross reference Chester Beatty Library - A catalogue of the manuscripts and miniatures vol. - 1 ,p.4-16
Animals in art
Iyar - I - Danish
MS.4 (19) Plate 50 (a)