Peri Mahal, old tower with view of the lake of cashmer [Slides]
Peri Mahal, old tower with view of the lake of cashmer [Slides] British Library
- London British Library
- 1 slide Col. ill 35mm.
- Western drawing collection from British Library .
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference British Drawing in the India Office Library by Mildred Archer (London 1969) p.135 BL-WD 135 f.34
Drawing-Kashmir-19th century
BL-WD / 135 f.34
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference British Drawing in the India Office Library by Mildred Archer (London 1969) p.135 BL-WD 135 f.34
Drawing-Kashmir-19th century
BL-WD / 135 f.34