Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Mushku (the Palace built by Khusarau) represented by Farhad being visited by Shirin on Mount Bisitun near the sculpture of Khusrau and Shirin [slides]

Mushku (the Palace built by Khusarau) represented by Farhad being visited by Shirin on Mount Bisitun near the sculpture of Khusrau and Shirin [slides] British Library - London British Library - 1 Slide Col. ill 35mm. - Persian Manuscripts Collection from British Library .

IGNCA slides collection, cross reference Miniatures from persian Manuscripts in the British Library and British Museum,p.153

Painting-Malwa (India) 15th Century
Manuscripts, persian
Mifiah-al-Fuzala (glossary)
Persian literature

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