Shabdiz, the black horse presented to Khusrau Parvz by the king of India shown as a sculpture by Farhad [slides]
Shabdiz, the black horse presented to Khusrau Parvz by the king of India shown as a sculpture by Farhad [slides] British Library
- London British Library
- 1 Slide Col. ill 35mm.
- Persian Manuscripts Collection from British Library .
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference Miniatures from Persian Manuscripts in the British Library and British Museum,p.158
Painting-India-1698 A.D.
Mogul Painting
Majma `ul ghara'ib
Sultan Muhammad
Horses in art
BL-PMC / Add.15241 374(73b)
IGNCA slides collection, cross reference Miniatures from Persian Manuscripts in the British Library and British Museum,p.158
Painting-India-1698 A.D.
Mogul Painting
Majma `ul ghara'ib
Sultan Muhammad
Horses in art
BL-PMC / Add.15241 374(73b)