Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Dipaka Raga [slides]

Dipaka Raga [slides] Princely lover with a flame burning in his turban presses his attentions on a lady as they sit on a hexagonal plinth with cushions . Lamps burn around the base of the plinth and behind. British Library - London British Library - 1 Slide Col. ill 35mm. - Johnson Collection from British Library .

IGNCA slides collection, cross reference, Indian Miniatures in the India Office Library by Toby Falk and Mildred Archer (London1981) BL-JC 391(J30) 5,p.211; Bengal, c.1770; Johnson Album 30, no.5; Inscribed correctly on reverse in Persian: Kedarah ragini; Gouache with gold; on an album page with fawn and gilt-sprinkled borders; 158 by 108mm; page 267 by 206mm

Painting-Bengal(India)-1770 A.D.
Mogul painting
Ragamala painting
Raga, Dipaka

BL-JC / 391(J30)5
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