Man strikes with his sword on elephant who has manled anotherman [slides]
Man strikes with his sword on elephant who has manled anotherman [slides] Raza Library
- Rampur Raza Library 1995
- 1 Slide, Col. ill 35mm.
- Raza Library Collection from Rampur .
IGNCA slides collection,cross reference catalogue by Dr.Barbara Schmitz,p.
Painting,Mogul(India)-18th/19th century
Mogul Painting
Raza Library Collection
Animals in art
RL-1501 / XV,f.10a
IGNCA slides collection,cross reference catalogue by Dr.Barbara Schmitz,p.
Painting,Mogul(India)-18th/19th century
Mogul Painting
Raza Library Collection
Animals in art
RL-1501 / XV,f.10a