Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Shahinshahnama - Persian army commanded by Fath ‘Ali Shah’s son ‘Abbas Mirza on the way to fight the Russians [Slides]

Shahinshahnama - Persian army commanded by Fath ‘Ali Shah’s son ‘Abbas Mirza on the way to fight the Russians [Slides] Raza Library - Rampur Raza Library 1995 - 1 Slide, Col. ill 35mm. - Raza Library Collection from Rampur .

IGNCA slides collection, cross reference Mughal and Persian Paintings and Illustrated Manuscripts in the Raza Library, Rampur by Barbara Schmitz and Ziyaud-Din A. Desai, p. 214 (Size 111x165 mm)

Teheran painting
Persian Paintings
Kings and rulers
Fath ‘Ali Shah’
Abbas Mirza
Fighting in art
Persian Army
Russian Army
Arms and armour
Shahinshahnama (The Book of the King of Kings)
Fath ‘Ali Khan Saba Kashani (d. 1238/1822/23)
Raza Library Collection

Tehran Province (Iran)
Ca. 1810

RL-709 / RL. Ms. XXX.V. P.4349 (M.K.564), p.105
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