Niruktam of Yaska Muni
Yaska Muni
Niruktam of Yaska Muni in the form of Nighantu bhasya of Kasyapa prajapati with Niruktavivrti and exhaustive notes Yaska Muni; edited by Mukund Jha Bakshi - New Delhi Meharchandr Lakshmandas 1982 - 530+24p. 25cm
Sanskrit language--Grammar
491.25 / YAS
Niruktam of Yaska Muni in the form of Nighantu bhasya of Kasyapa prajapati with Niruktavivrti and exhaustive notes Yaska Muni; edited by Mukund Jha Bakshi - New Delhi Meharchandr Lakshmandas 1982 - 530+24p. 25cm
Sanskrit language--Grammar
491.25 / YAS