Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts
Online Public Access Catalog

Encyclopedia of world women

Encyclopedia of world women edited by S.S. Shashi - Delhi Sundeep Prakashan 1989 - 10v. 22cm

Contents: vol.1. Greek women (xxiv, 391p.) - vol.2. Women of early christianity (xvi, 390p.) - vol.3. Women of the romance countries (viii, 401p.) - vol.4. Women of America (xii, 389p.) - vol.5. Women of mediaeval France (x, 472p.) - vol.6. Women of modern France (ix, 414p.) - vol.7. Oriental women (viii, 372p.) - vol.8. Roman women (viii, 407p.) - vol.9. Women of the teutonic nations (xi, 412p.) - vol.10 Women of England (ix, 425p.)


Women--Encyclopedias and dictionaries

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